Selasa, 03 Juli 2012

Contoh Epost facto Research...

nah, klo penelitian ini, kita tdak perlu datang kesekolah and melakukan perbikan tentang suatu keadaan. but agan semua dituntut kejujurannya sebagai seorang researcher atas data yang diperoleh, istilahnya nih, ga da bumbu nya. ibarat masakan lho masakan itu kurang enak ya kita bilang kurang enak. sebaliknya bila enak ya kita bilang enak.. melaporka sejujur-jujurnya atas hasil penelitian yang didapet. intinya kalo Expost facto kita hanya ingin mengetahui keadaan tanpa merubahnnya..
let check gedot...


1.1  Background of the Study
       There is one thing that the human being can not avoid to do, that is, interact to each other. The interactions made are mostly happened in the form of communication either through oral, written or spoken forms. Language is the key of communication. Language is a means of communication among humans beings throughout the world.  Communication happens not only with some people but with many people from all over the world. Language is not only communicated orally but also in written form.
       English is the world’s most important and the most widely used language. As an international language, the rule of English in globalization era has been receiving more and more important. English has become one of the main subjects studied in school. Nowadays, English has been taught from fourth grade students of elementary school. Students may have one simple question in our mind, why do they learn English? The answer should be easy. English is a universal language (global language in this case we are not the only creature who can speak.).
       Moreover, Randolph (1980:7) states that English which referred as a lingua Franca, is pre-eminently the most international of language. By foreign language we mean a language as used by someone for communication across frontiers or with people who are not his countryman: listening to broadcasts, reading books or newspapers, commerce or travel, for example. No language is more widely studied or used as a foreign language that English.
       All around the world, students of all ages are learning to speak English, but their reasons for wanting to study English can differ greatly. Some students, of course, only learn English because it is on the curriculum at primary or secondary level, but the others, studying the language reflects some kind of a choice. Many people learn English because they think it will be useful in some ways for international communication and traveling. Such students of general English often do not have particular reason for going to English classes, but simply wish to learn speak, read and write the language effectively for wherever and whenever this might be useful for them.
       During the period of teaching English, it is found that many students are still facing many problems in learning grammar. One of the problems faced by the students is that they are unable to recognize and produce sentences according to grammatical pattern especially in the form of simple past tense. Lim (2002:5) states that there are prescribed rules to the entire English grammar, if we want the sentences we form to be correct and meaningful, we must make sure these rules are followed. For a long time there has been a lot of discussion about how languages are used and learnt. Until the middle of twentieth century, many people believe, that, in order to speak or write the best kind of English, you have to use complete sentences which are grammatically correct (Baker and Westrup, 2000:14).
       To be able to communicate fluently using English, students will need to learn about grammar. It is more about to make other person understand about what we mean to say. The English grammar is reflected on its tenses which consist of the pattern on how to make good sentences. English grammar is about how to put words together in a sensible order and add the right endings. If the students have been able to learn the essential rules of grammar, they could be able to use the language concerned, correctly and meaningfully for all kinds of communication.
       Grammatical ability has relationship with four skills in English; those are listening, reading, speaking, and writing. Writing is a hard work. But writing is also opportunity: to convey something about yourself, to communicate ideas to people beyond your immediate vicinity, to learn something you do not know. To make good use of those opportunities, you need to develop the confidence that will enable you to overcome whatever frustrations a writing assignment may present (McCrimmon,1984:6). To have that confidence in them, they need to master the grammatical language, and then they will feel free to fill their writing with all their thought.
       To be able to write well means avoiding making mistakes and/ or error in grammar. The term grammatical, which is often used in writing comprehension, suggests that the use of correct or incorrect grammar will surely affect the messages. People think that writing is the most difficult ability to be mastered. As a productive skill, English writing has widely been viewed and recognized as a challenging subject by most students. Students very often take few minutes to start putting their ideas into a piece of writing. The researcher assumes that they have a problem in writing because they are still lack in grammar.
       Grammar is not just about how to make up a sentence, but also how to can use it in the right time. The difficulties that students face in writing have connection with their grammar ability. Their writing is also affected by the grammar ability. Realizing the significance of grammar ability as an integral component of writing ability, it is very important to teach the students intensively.
       The research takes place in SMP Negeri 2 Abiansemal. The eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Abiansemal which total 8 classes with 215 students all together are considered as the population of the present study. Realizing the population of the study is very big, it is simply impossible for the writer to study them all. In this study, writer simply determines 40 students as the samples of the study. The 40 students are determined out of the whole population by means of random sampling technique because the writer wants to give equal opportunities for the population to be selected as the samples of the study.
Based on the background above, the researcher is motivated to investigate the correlation between those two variables. The above explanation is the reason to make Grammatical Ability and Writing Ability as her main research to be investigated. 

1.2  Statement of Research Question
       Scientific research begins with a problem. Selecting and formatting a problem is one of the most important aspects of doing research in any field. There is no way to do research until a problem is recognized, thought, through, and formulated in a useful way. The researcher must decide on a specific question to be answered and must state precisely what is to be done to reach an answer. Based on the background of the study, the researcher formulates the research question of the present study as follows: to what extent is the correlation between grammatical ability and writing ability of the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Abiansemal?

1.3  Objective of the Study
       Objective of the study is certainly intended to answer and solve the research question which has been stated before. This thesis also has its purpose. In line with the research question stated above, the undertaking of the present investigation intends of figure out the correlation between grammatical ability and writing ability of the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Abiansemal.

1.4  Limitation of the Study
       The purpose of the study has been stated but it is a large quantity of reliable knowledge. It will be too board and complex to be discussed in a certain time under a single investigation of ex post facto research. That is why limitation is really needed in this investigation. The present study also limited on investigating the features of English tense which are supposed to have been learned and acquired in the classroom include simple past tense and simple past continuous tense in short narrative paragraph writing. The present study is limited on investigating the correlation between grammatical ability and writing ability of the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Abiansemal Thus, other features of English tense are simply beyond the scope of this research.

1.5  Significance of the Study
       An investigation is conducted to procedure such finding that can be used properly as board as possible, but minimally it should be useful for the certain study being investigated. The findings of the present study are hoped to provide both theoretical as well as practical importance as follow:
1.      Theoretical Significance
The findings of the present investigation are really expected to contribute and strengthen the existing similar research findings with more empirical evidence in investigating the correlation between grammatical ability and writing ability of the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Abiansemal.
2.      Practical Significance
The findings of the present study are intended as valuable informative feedback to the English teachers of SMP Negeri 2 Abiansemal. By knowing that there is correlation between the grammatical ability and writing ability of the eighth grade students, the teacher are hoped to be able to relate the way of teaching of English Tenses with teaching writing .

1.6  Assumption
       In this investigation, the researcher thinks that it is essential to make some assumption for the purpose of emphasizing the present study. There are some other variables that may be related and have effects to this research, however the researcher only concerns with the variables as stated on research question. Some statements are assumed as follow.
1.      The eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Abiansemal have studied English since the forth grade of Elementary school.
2.      The eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Abiansemal have similar interest and ability in learning English
3.      The eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Abiansemal have the similar motivation in learning English.
4.      The English teachers of SMP Negeri 2 Abiansemal have the similar teaching qualification in English, as result, the students difference in learning English tense is not caused by the teachers, but due to the students’ ability which are different one to another.

1.7  Hypothesis
       The purpose of hypothesis is to provide a tentative proposition suggested to any research problem of a study. The hypothesis is like a guiding material to arrive at a certain conclusion. This will serve as the pathway to follow without wasting time or effort in looking for answers without any directions. This is a single aspect of thinking that will inform if something is true or not. Of course, in order to prove it, the researcher needs to run tests of researching.
       The hypothesis serves as the initial guess for the researcher because she is still unsure of the outcome of a certain research task On attempting to give a tentative solution to the research problem, the hypothesis can be stated as follows: There is a significant correlation between grammatical ability and writing ability of the eight grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Abiansemal.

1.8  Definition of Key Terms
The terms in this thesis should be precisely and concisely defined, quite possibly using relevant references.  This allows a reader to know exactly what a research is referring to and intending to investigate. In order to make this research is clear enough to be understood, the researcher needs to operationally define the following terms.
1.      Correlation is defined as relationship between dependent variable and independent variable within a research statement. In this present study, the two variables that are going to be investigated is the correlation between grammatical ability and writing ability.
2.      Grammatical Ability is a description of the usages of the English language by good speakers and writers of the present day. –Whitney. Grammatical ability is the dependent variable of this study because the writing ability is not just dependent on grammatical ability but also the vocabulary.
3.      Writing Ability is defined as the ability of putting ideas and information into structured meaningful words in written form. Writing ability is the independent variable of this study.
4.      SMP (Sekolah Menengah Pertama) is the level of study in which the students have graduated from the elementary school. This levels same as the level of Junior High School.

1.9  Theoretical Framework
       A scientific study should be undertaken on the basis of some relevant theoretical framework and empirical findings. For the purpose of underlying the present investigation some theoretical view points as well as empirical evidences are reviewed in chapter II. The present study is conducted on the ground of the following theoretical basis: (1) conception of correlation study, (2) grammar ability, (3) writing ability, (4) assessment of grammar in writing, and (5) some factors that affecting the students’ achievement.

1.10          Research Methodology
The degree of the quality of any research findings is considerably affected by the appropriate preparation and selection of valid and reliable research procedures and measures. Hence, the selection, the preparation of the scientific procedures of any scientific writing, like thesis writing, should be given careful attention. The scientific steps and procedures of the present study successively cover the following : research design, population and samples, research instrument, data collection and data analysis.

1.10. 1 Research Design
       Research is simply a methodical way of finding answers to questions used to discover new information or prove scientific theories. And research methods can also be useful to effectively evaluate an educational program or its participants in the most objective way (Diem, 1999:6). He also states that an ex post facto study is used when experimental research is not possible. The researcher starts by specifying a dependent variable and then tries to identify possible reasons for its occurrence as well as alternative (rival) explanations.
       This study is investigating the correlation between two variables; so that this investigation will use the non-experimental research method Ex post facto research design is suitable to be used in this investigation. Ex post facto according to Landman (1998: 62) is used to refer to an experiment in which the researcher, rather than creating the treatment, examines the effect of a naturally occurring treatment after it has occurred. In other words it is a study that attempts to discover the pre-existing causal conditions between groups.

1.10. 2  Population and Sample
        Realizing the population of the study is very big, it is simply impossible for the writer to study them all. In this study, writer simply determines 40 students as the samples of the study. The 40 students are determined out of the whole population with total of 250 students by means of random sampling technique. Simple random sampling is done for the sample selection. This sampling method is conducted where each member of a population has an equal opportunity to become part of the sample. As all members of the population have an equal chance of becoming a research participant, this is said to be the most efficient sampling procedure.
The use of random sampling method with lottery technique is due to the fact that the population has rather homogeneous characteristics in term of age, intelligence, attitudes and language environments. The samples of the study which total 40 students are considered to be representative. Hence the result of the study could later be generalized to the population. However, the more samples can be drawn and studied the better and more representative in the sense the established findings can be more validly and reliably generalized to the whole population.

1.10. 3 Research Instrument
       The preparation and construction of valid and reliable research instrument is an important step of any scientific study. In order to collect the data needed for the present investigation, some instruments are made. It is very important to develop dependable measuring instrument for the purpose of quantifying the behaviors and attributes to be studied. In this study the instrument that is used to collect the needed data is in the forms of tests, that is tests about English tenses and narrative writing test.
       The best way to state our case is to give actual examples of test. It has been our thesis that a really comprehensive test design must start with a definition of purpose and function. To meet students’ needs and to ensure a benign relationship between the test and other elements of the curriculum, a justifiable approach is to make a clear and detailed statement of the purposes and settings of language use, and of the skills and functions to be called on, and from this statement to generate the language, content and tasks which a comprehensive test will have to cover.
       The conventional approach to language testing, in line with the measurement of behavior in other fields, has been to stress objectivity in scoring test performance, a process best done by getting testee to select the correct form from a number of given options. The accepted answer is the either Yes or No, or one of three, four or even more possible choices, it being laid down in advance which options are the correct ones. There should therefore be no reasons for variations in scoring as between different markers.
       It was thought that this sort of precision made the testing of linguistic behavior a very exact, scientific matter. The newest test, however, make a good deal of use of subjective assessment, that is, of the opinions of informed judges who know the language and test contexts and assess the performance according to as number of criteria in order to judge how effective a person is in using the language to achieve specific results.
       According to the explanation above there are two tests that are going to be done in collecting the data; those are multiple choice test and written test. Padmadewi (2003:65) states that the most advantages of multiple choice is that scoring can be perfectly reliable. The multiple choice tests are done for the first variable that is grammar. In this case it will test the Simple Past Tense and Past Continuous Tense in which the test consist of 20 items.  All these tenses have been taught to the subjects, that is, the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Abiansemal. The material for the tests of Grammar and writing are also taken from textbooks used by the English teachers there.
       The second test that is used in collecting date is written test. According to Padmadewi (2003:80) the best way to test people’s writing ability is to get them to write. The narrative paragraph writing test is considered to have good face, content, and construct validity. First, the format and the typing of the test sound and look good to the testees (Heaton. 1989:159). The topics are believed of the subjects’ common interest. In addition, the writing of the narrative paragraph writing test as a productive language skill has already base on some theoretical constructs. In short, the research instrument has already met some degree of content, face, and constructs validity.
       Thus, it could be used to gather the data for the present study. In this case, the students are asked to write a short narrative text about their unforgettable experience and consist of 5 sentences. And every correct grammatical sentence is marked as one score and wrong use of grammar in the sentences is marked as zero scored.

1.10. 3.1 Try out
       Before the tests are administered to the sample of study, the researcher does a try out in the other school, in this case is in SMP Negeri 3 Abiansemal at the same level of eighth grade student. In relation to this study, the research designed the tests to collect the necessary data for this study, the test given should be appropriate and dependable.
       To be certain that the data collected by the instrument in this study are accurate and dependable, the instrument should be reliable and valid. It means that the validity as well as the reliability of the question and answer tests have to be considered in order to meet the basic requirement of a good test as the test have been analyzed after trying out to the other students which the researcher considered have the similar ability in English.
       Harris (1969:13) says that all good tests process three qualities: validity, reliability and practicality. Closely related to these characteristics, the writer calculates the facility value of the items. Items discrimination and the correlation coefficient by using the technique of product moment correlation
       The Grammar’s try out is made in 40 items test, in which 20 items are the Simple Past Tense and another 20 items were the Past Continuous Tense test as the final test of the study.

  1.10. 3.2 The validity of the test items.
       In a research that always depends upon measurement, the validity of the instrument should be considered. Heaton (1989:159) argues that the validity of a test is the extent to which it measures what it is supposed to measure and nothing else. Because of its importance, every test should be constructed as valid as possible. To determine the validity of a test is not an easy job. There are several ways to determine the validity of a test, such as construct validity and contents validity.
       In order to have a good validity, the Grammar test items should have construct validity (Heaton. 1989:159). For the instruments of the ability in answering the Grammar test items, the researcher tries out 40 items test, where the score of correct answer is 1 point and wrong answer is 0 point. The validity of a test can be found out from its facility index and also the discrimination index. The test items is valid when both index shows it coefficient between 0.30 to 0.70
       In addition, being valid is not the final judgment of the characteristic of a good test. Thus, the result of the test should be further analyzed to figure out the facility value (FV) and discrimination value (DV).
       According to Carroll (1985:123) the index of difficulty (or facility value) of an item simply shows how easy or difficult the particular item proved in the test. The Index of difficulty is generally expressed as the fraction of the students who answered the item correctly. On the other hand, the discrimination index tells us whether those students who performed well on the whole test indeed to do well or hardly on each item in the text. The items will be acceptable if it has statistical coefficient of facility and discrimination value ranging from 0.30 to 0.70.
The researcher starts to compute the facility and discrimination value by using the following formulas:
FV       =        U + L                or         R
                         N                                N

DV      =          U – L

FV       : Facility Value
DV      : Discrimination Value
R         : The total of correct answer of all testees
U         : The number of correct answer of the upper half group
L          : The number of correct answers of the lower half group
N         : The number of students in one group.

  1.10. 3.3 The reliability of the test
       Another characteristic of a good test is reliability of test items. Anastasi in McLoughlin and Lewis (1981:118) similarly defines reliability as the consistency of scores obtained by the same person when reexamined with the same test on different occasions, or with different sets of equivalent items. The degree of the reliability is shown by reliability coefficient ranging from 0.00 – 1.00, Gronlund (1968:96) that is, the higher the coefficient the more reliable the test.
       Reliability is necessary characteristic of any good test for it to be valid at all. A test must first be reliable as a measuring instrument. There are many formulas which can be applied in calculating the reliability of a test but in this investigation, the researcher uses the Kuder-Richardson 21 (KR-21).  The formula of KR-21 is as follows:
KR – 21 =       k            (1- x (k – x)   )
                     k – 1                   k.s2t
k = the number of test items
x = mean score (22)
s2t = the variance for the set of students total scores
Before calculating the KR-21, the researcher needs to find out the variance for the set students total scores.

1.10. 4  Data Collection
       After the research instruments have been prepared then the writer proceed to data collection. The tests are not administered at the same time. In this respect, the test of Grammar will be administered first on 10th December 2009 and in the following continued with administering test of writing on 11th December 2009. The administration of each test lasted for about 60 minutes.

1.10. 5  Data Analysis
       The main purpose of the present study is to answer the research question which has been formulated previously. The data which are collected by means of administering the research instruments are analyzed so as to figure out to finding of the study.
      There are six types of correlational analysis and in this study, the data from the two sets of scores about the two variables, the subjects’ achievement in Grammar and their writing, are analyzed using one of the correlational analysis, that is, Pearson Product Moment Correlation Formula. It is named Karl Pearson who developed the correlational method research.
       This finding of the study which is in the form of coefficient of correlation figure is interpreted so as to justify whether the hypothesis set forth for the present investigation is confirmed or rejected. This is concern of the next chapter, that is, chapter IV.
The Pearson Product Moment Correlation Formula was formulated as below:        

r           = The Pearson Product Moment Correlation Formula
N         = Number of Students
X         = Score of students’ Grammar ability
Y         = Score of students’ Writing ability
∑X      = Total value of X
∑Y      = Total value of Y
∑XY   = Total of cross product (across product is each subject’s X score multiplied by his Y score or total value of X times total value of Y)
∑X2     = The square of each X score, subsequently added together
∑Y2     = The square of each Y score, subsequently added together
(∑X )2  = The total of all the X scores, squared
(∑Y)2   = The total of all the Y scores, squared


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